Tag Archives: Brooding YA Hero

Fun accounts to follow

Follow all the fun people!Sometimes the bombardment of bad/upsetting news stories can be overwhelming. When I need to step away, I have a few humorous Twitter accounts I like to turn to.

Brooding YA Hero (@broodingYAhero) — Created by the amazing Carrie Ann (@Writer_Carrie), Broody is both a stereotype and a challenge to overused stereotypes and problematic tropes. He’s hilarious. And has gemstone eyes/a ripped body/perfect hygiene even when he’s in a historical novel set in the seventeenth century. He (er, Carrie) also has a book coming out that is sure to be amazing, called Becoming a Main Character (Almost) as Awesome as Me. Broody is one of my go-to places for a good laugh.

Wholesome Memes (@WholesomeMeme) — This is exactly what it says it is. This account is full of wholesome, inspirational, and sometimes hilarious memes, pictures, quotes, and comics. When the news feels like too much, this account will restore your faith in humanity.

Librarian Problems — This one may only be funny for librarians, but if you work in a public library, you’ll get a good laugh out of this account.

What are some of your favorite places on the Internet when you need to step away from the news for a bit?